Do you know how Ragdoll cats got their name? Ragdolls earned their unusual name because these cats will go limp and relaxed when they are picked up and held. This is just one delightful attribute of these beautiful, social cats. Here are some more facts about Ragdoll cats that you might like to know if you are thinking about adopting one!

Ragdoll Blue Eyes

All purebred Ragdoll cats will have bright blue eyes – it’s considered one of the defining characteristics of the breed. Mixed breed Ragdoll cats may have different colored eyes, including dark blue, green, or gold.

Ragdoll Cat Personality

As previously mentioned, Ragdolls are known for relaxing into the arms of someone who holds them—even if they are held on their backs like a baby. They have a love for their owners usually associated with dogs—they like to greet them at the door, trail them around the house, and snuggle with them whenever they sit down.

Though Ragdolls are known for being docile, that doesn’t mean they don’t like to play. Ragdolls enjoy being a part of family activities and playing with a variety of puzzles and toys. Some owners have even had success training them to “fetch” toys. They learn quickly and respond well to praise and treats, so they can actually pick up on a variety of tricks or be trained to exhibit good behaviors and stop unwanted ones.

Ragdolls make especially good pets for families with children because they are so social, yet relaxed. They rarely extend their claws during playtime, and they will tolerate activities like being dressed up or incorporated in a child’s game of “house”!

Ragdolls generally get along with dogs as well—although introductions to both children and other pets should be thoughtful and controlled. Teach children how to properly hold a Ragdoll (one arm under the front legs and the other supporting the hind legs), and give pets plenty of time to get used to each other before giving them the run of the house together.

Ragdolls – Quiet by Nature

Ragdoll cats are generally quite a quiet breed by nature, although remember not all cats are the same. While this has its perks – especially if you don’t want a cat that makes a lot of noise – it can have its downsides too.

Some Ragdoll cats may be quiet even if they’re in pain or distress. It’s important you monitor the behavior of your cat if they’re normally quiet, and look out for any pattern changes, such as using the litter tray more often.

Ragdolls – Water Lovers?

While many cat breeds don’t like water, a lot of Ragdoll cats actually love it. If you buy a Ragdoll cat you might find that you have to shoo them out of the shower, and if you own a pool then they might enjoy some supervised swimming sessions. Again, not all cats are the same, but Ragdolls are generally much more fond of water than other breeds of cats.